Our Story
We started our journey in August 2020, when my mom, out of sheer curiosity, attended a soap-making class. She returned extremely excited to try out this art of soap making at home.
She returned extremely excited to try out this art of soap making at home. She loved the process of soap making so much that steadily she started stocking the best quality raw material from all over the country to experiment with and make different kinds of soaps. and she would then hand out samples of these soaps to our neighbors, friends, and family to try out. Their response was so positive and overwhelming that she was encouraged to experiment with and make other products as well like body butter, bath salts, and scrubs. People would often tell her about their specific skin conditions and she would undertake research and experiments and make customized products for their specific skin types and conditions. Our friends and family spread the word about her organic natural products and soon people started placing orders to purchase the soaps and other products that my mother handcrafted.

Without realizing, my mother’s hobby had turned into a small business. As the business grew organically, we decided to formalise and give her small business a name. We decided to call it Soap Chemistry. Around this time, I graduated with a degree in business administration and decided to take on the role of handling social media, marketing, and packaging of Soap Chemistry.
This is how Soap Chemistry was born- out of the love for handcrafting high-quality organic soaps and other body care products and sharing the same with as many people as possible. More than a year since my mother attended her first workshop on soap making, we have sold more than 3000 soaps and more than 4000 bath salts and body butter. . We also regularly export soaps to the USA and we have consistently received positive reviews. . We are looking forward to expanding our product line while maintaining our commitment to using the highest quality of organic raw materials in our products.